Newsletter — Vol. 2, No. 2
Spring 2018

GREETINGS from Betsy Thomason
It’s May already and everyone’s eager for quintessential Spring days. We’re itching for a change, for movement.
Movement is a huge part of what it means to be human. Our bodies, brains, and spirits thrive on movement.
There are many types of movement:
changing your mind
ebb and flow of water —
puddles, lakes, streams, oceans -
air circulation — breezes and breathing
physical body — walking, dancing,
and breathing -
internal organs in motion
heartbeat and blood flow
and yes, bowel movements
What are you doing to keep your body and mind in motion?
Do you realize that your outbreath
(not your inbreath) provides energy for all kinds of activity?
Breathing is about your outbreath, not
Spring into Motion

your inbreath. That’s why the BreatheOutDynamic system — BODs — is revolutionary. It puts you in motion.
Are you ready to learn and practice BODs every day so that it becomes part of your muscle memory?
Start learning BODs with Betsy’s book Just Breathe Out — Using Your Breath to Create a New, Healthier You. Betsy offers the e-book FREELY to anyone who sends an e-mail request. Just Breathe Out is also available in paperback and iTunes/Audible formats. The National Library Service at the Library of Congress makes it available FREELY in braille and audio versions for people with vision impairments and inability to hold a book.
Here’s what Betsy Thomason & Karen Brown are doing to stay in motion:

I’m on the move — from northern New Jersey to southern Vermont. I’m becoming lean and mean as I pack up my home of 32 years. I’ve been sharing lots of goodies with church rummage sales, friends, and even strangers. It is daunting to discover a ton of forgotten stuff in the back of closets. Some of it belonged to my parents and grandparents.
BODs have helped me stay focused and relaxed when the wave of overwhelm hits from time to time. On the physical side, packing and lifting boxes is so much easier when I engage my belly muscles for the outbreath. My daily exercise — Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi, and a walk, all combined with BODs — are keeping me confident that this uprooting of home
base will transplant well in Vermont. Now after packing for a few weeks, I’m enjoying the idea of starting fresh in Vermont. I’m ready for adventure, and it’s happening
in spring.
Karen and I continue to reach out to communities of all ages who wish to learn and practice the BreatheOutDynamic system as explained in Just Breathe Out — your illustrated, how-to-breathe guidebook. While the book introduces you to this revolutionary concept, OutBreath Institute’s interactive talks, workshops, and retreats help you incorporate BODs into your daily life. Then, you can manage pain and stress, overcome anxiety and weakness, and conquer addictions — all without medication.
Contact information for OutBreath Institute remains the same.
NEWS from Betsy

What are you doing to move forward in your life?
Perpetual motion describes everything in our universe, including ourselves.
As we go through life, there are times when we seem to be invincible. We go forward with gusto for life, feeling in synch with our world. Our pendulum is swinging at top speed, and life is good. I’ve been there.
But, life is cyclic, and that rapid moving forward cannot always be sustained. We all find ourselves at times in a place that’s difficult to navigate, and the proverbial “light at the end of the tunnel” is very dim. That’s where I am right now with the late effects of childhood polio.
My autonomic nervous system is out of balance, and I have bouts of low blood
pressure. While my doctor and I are finding the right approach to my well-being, I’m using BODs to help my emotional self get beyond my frets and fears.
Regardless of where we are in life, integrating BODs into our daily routines to keep us moving forward is a brighter, better, and healthier way. BODS maximizes our bodies’ stamina and keeps us in sync with the world. I speak from personal experience.
BODs let me put down my heavy load and gain perspective on life. BODs conserve my precious physical and emotional energy so that the light at the end of the tunnel can once again grow brighter and brighter.
No matter what life hands us, we can confidently walk through even the most difficult and fearful times with grace and empowerment. Every cycle, every swing of the pendulum, is part of our own unique life journey. Each of us can choose to navigate towards growth, happiness, and contribution.
NEWS from Karen

How are you navigating the difficult times in your life?
You just have to ask Betsy! Email her at and mention this offer. You’ll receive the e-book version of Just Breathe Out in your inbox. Feel free to share this offer with others.
There are a limited number of free iTunes/Audible books available. Call Betsy for the Audible code for a free audiobook available from the website.
Please share this vital OutBreath Institute Newsletter with friends, family, and colleagues. Invite Betsy and Karen to speak at your workplace, your community center, or school/college.
Breathing is for everyone regardless of age, but few know the power of their very own outbreath for strength, relaxation, stress and pain management, and conquering addiction. Let’s share the knowledge.
In 2018, Just Breathe Out, the E-book Version, is Available at No Cost —

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