Newsletter — Vol. 3, No. 1
September 2019
GREETINGS from Betsy Thomason
Just as I’m settling down into my own space in Vermont, my friend Mary Friel tells me to “Stay Uprooted.” Really? For the last year and a half, my intention has been to put down roots in Vermont.
Then, as I was exploring the meadow beyond the farm house apartment I’m renting, I began to understand what Mary meant. I saw the apple tree, loaded with ripe, red fruit, split down the middle, growing sideways and thriving. So, I thought, I too can thrive with shallow, exposed roots, even after splitting from my fifty years in New Jersey.
For me, this registers confidence that I’m on my right path. In other words, it’s belief and trust in myself — what my body and soul are telling me. I give much credit to the BreatheOutDynamic system (BODs). This daily practice that I write about in Just Breathe Out keeps my body strong, sending me trustworthy information about my capabilities.
So, I listened to my body when it told me that I had to abort my month-long solo
car trip in August after only five days on the road. On the first evening of my trip,
I saw the bulls-eye rash on my body, sure sign that the tick that bit me a few
months prior carried the lyme bacteria. Increasing nocturnal back pain and sleepless nights drove me back home from Canada. I was able to manage the constant, intense pain because of my strong focus on the BODs outbreath. In addition, amazingly, I was able to stay alert while driving. Had I been taking pain medication, I would NOT have been able to drive myself home.
Why am I suggesting that you consider being uprooted on purpose?
In this topsy turvy world we live in—no matter where you live—it’s essential to be resilient. Now is the time to become comfortable with the insecurity of up-rootedness. It’s our present reality. Let the BreatheOutDynamic system help you reach your full potential in uncertain times.
Stay Uprooted
of soft cover edition —
This fall, Just Breathe Out is having a second print run of 1000 copies. Yes, there are another 1000 soft-cover copies currently in circulation. The information remains vital for human health and well-being.
Please ask your local librarian to include Just Breathe Out — Using Your Breath to Create a New, Healthier You on the library’s 2020 acquisition list. Libraries welcome patron’s suggestions. They can order Just Breathe Out from their distributor of choice.
Suggest a change of pace for your favorite book club: Just Breathe Out — the non-fiction offering for personal growth and development. Contact Betsy for free e-books and codes (while they last) for the Audible recorded version. Ask Betsy to attend your book club in person or via Face Time.
Just Breathe Out — the how-to-breathe guidebook
Welcome to the Next Generation of BODs Trainers
As we approach the third decade of the third millennium, it’s time for a new generation of health-minded, thoughtful people to share BODs, this self-empowering practice featuring the active, spine stretching outbreath and passive, relaxed inbreath.
In the 1960s, Ian Jackson began exploring ancient yogic wisdom and fashioning it into a masterful practice for himself and other elite athletes, particularly world-class cyclists. When I met him in 1987, he welcomed me to share this wisdom with the world of average Janes and Joes. He honored my teaching methods — vastly different from his own.
Now it is my turn to welcome others to put their spin on the BreatheOut-Dynamic system. Please be in touch with me and share your experiences, expertise, and vision.
2766 Windham Hill Road, West Townshend VT 05359
OutBreath Institute MISSION
a BODs secret:
Want to manage anxiety?
Start by focusing on your long, slow outbreath.
Observe the calming effect
you’re engaging.
OutBreath Institute is dedicated to sharing the wisdom of the BreatheOutDynamic system (BODs) to promote personal responsibility for health and well-being. We offer community talks and training programs for personal and professional growth. OutBreathe Institute, LLC is registered in the state of Vermont.
Betsy Thomason, Founder and CEO
Karen Brown, VP of Research
Parting Thoughts
OutBreath Institute
A world where holistic self-care is the norm.
OutBreath Institute
Create a healthy world, one person,
one outbreath at a time.
No drugs, no cost, no lies.
YOU are part of our mission.
Take time to develop your very own
user-friendly body.
Sources of FREE
Just Breathe Out
Just Breathe Out E-BOOK
Email Betsy and mention this Outbreath Institute newsletter offer. Please include why the book is important to you. Feel free to share this unlimited offer with others.
Just Breathe Out BRAILLE & AUDIO
National Library Service at the Library of Congress
NLS at the Library of Congress is a free braille and talking book library service for people with temporary or permanent low vision, blindness, or a physical disability that prevents them from reading or holding the printed page. Just Breathe Out resides in the NLS electronic card catalog.
Just Breathe Out AUDIBLE,
recorded by the author
Email Betsy for a purchase code that will calculate your total for the book as zero when you order online.
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